Don’t survive…THRIVE
A client’s journey means everything to me.
At The Adjustment Co. Stories form my meaning and is a fundamental part of my WHY. Stories are powerful, and with the permission of my clients I am able to share their real experiences which hopefully brings a symbiotic relationship between our primitive drives as humans to hear and listen to stories, emphasise with the issues/reasons for each individuals visit to me and hopefully inspires the incredible realisation that the POWER that made the body can HEAL the body with the correct advice, plan and care we can all THRIVE in life and not just survive.
We talk about @junctionjuice and chiropractic and how it’s helped Charlottes body.
Listen in and start your journey today!
No ordinary testimonial
As most of you know my dad has been a pretty big influence on my life.
He is my dad, my coach & a major reason why chiropractic came in to my life.
This is actually a testimonial of chiropractic not by me but my Chiro from back home, who I try and see when I’m back. I couldn’t bear to cut or edit the video so here is the raw content. I know I might be biased but I love this story and it’s cases like this that really give me and other chiropractors their why.
Have you been told there’s nothing you can do to help yourself? Have you tried chiropractic to make your life better? Have you tried everything else with no success?
Here is a classic case of that, and at 85 years young my dad volunteers for help the aged doing gardening 3 x a week 4 hours a time.
This story began with an email from Sam’s dad of “can you help my son?”
After hearing what had been going on I was so honoured that I/chiropractic was even thought of as a solution to the problem. Most people think of chiropractic as back pain/neck pain. However, this case was completely out of the ordinary. Balance, dizziness, brain fog, headaches and weakness were the main points of complaint.
An X-ray was ordered and care began after these results. Initially I started quite gently but as Sam’s strength grew as able to incorporate “stronger” adjustments.
A rehab routine was strongly recommended and care included chiropractic adjustments and dry needling. As well as patient advice & exercises.
Overall, since beginning care headaches have gone, brain function improved, energy and ability to work are all regained. I myself am completely blown away by what chiropractic can do, and it makes me think what would of been had this care not of been given for Sam’s life.
About 9 months ago Doug’s wife asked me if I could help arthritis of the wrist and fingers. She said her husband wasn’t able to participate in his hobby of 50 year’s and join his club because of pain, swelling, reduced range of motion in his hand.
Without meeting, hearing, checking spoken out I don’t actually know if I can or can’t help, but said why don’t we give it a shot and book him in, we will know relatively quickly whether this is working or a waste of time.
In March 2022 Doug came in and here we are 5 session later (June 2022) with his testimonial & a little rendition from Doug.
Treatment included chiropractic adjustments & dry needling to the back and left forearm.
Emily started care 18 months ago initially due to a fall 10 years prior which had translated into lower back pain affecting both legs.
After a number of adjustments fell in to wellness chiropractic to help all aspects of life. Last year Emily fell pregnant and from week 26 (the style is adjustment I do I recommend starting at this time) got adjusted every two weeks up until birth.
Emily experienced a good and active pregnancy and an amazing natural birth. Having your body in the right position ready for birth is something you can have control of and Emily proactively sought to be as well as she could.
Here she is today, 4 weeks post birth, and in for a check after such a big physical event mainly for neck and upper back pain as transitioning in to motherhood utilises different postures and muscles which can put a strain on the body.
A beautiful story where Sara shares her journey with Dr Amanda at The Adjustment Co.
Patient care is not only about treatment but also patient education, once an understanding of your individual body and demands are understood the potential is limitless.
Thank you Sara for sharing your story with us at The Adjustment Co. Hearing and sharing success stories is why The Adjustment Co. exists.
As one of Jersey’s top strong man contestants Daniel lifts, chucks, drags, carries heavy heavy items such as cars, weights, boulders etc.
He puts his spine through a lot of compressive forces which he states over a period of time he finds loses “a bit of postural height”. When that’s when he knows he needs to come in and get adjusted.
Chiropractic has been part of his training regime for nearly two years now and he finds it helps with his range of motion as well. Chiropractic is not only about pain but about performance & aesthetics. You don’t have to be in pain to see a chiropractor.
Nicole Broch Larsen
Professional golfer Nicole Broch Larsen from the Ladies European Tour explains how looking after her body helps ensure she has a long and successful career. ...
Peter was told was told surgery was his only option, he gave chiropractic (unwillingly initially) a go as a last resort. “After being signed off I was told I need surgery ... six months later I am completely pain free!
Peter initially came in with excruciating shoulder pain with numbness in several fingers. After his initial assessment Amanda identified that due to misalignments of his spine and tight muscle Peter had a trapped nerve in his neck. After
7 sessions he was back to work and after 9 was pain free. Treatment included spinal adjustments and acupuncture.
Lauren Carre is a IFBB Pro - International federation of Body-building and Fitness athlete, she achieved her professional status in 2018.
To get to and sustain her competitive level she day in day out works her body hard. Her training regime and passion is something incredible to watch. In this edition of 'The Stories' LC explains her experience of chiropractic care and how it has helped her to achieve her goals and what results she has seen.
Today I share a short & sweet testimonial. Last week I received an email from Mark saying he had been in pain for about 10 days and unable to go to work (works as a tradesman).
I managed to get him in that day and on arrival could barely walk. I suggested he have another on a relatively short time frame for a follow up and he is back to work, able to walk & 90% better.
Thank you Mark for sharing your story & for anyone else out there who is struggling and can’t afford the time off work with a bad back, get in touch!
Thank you Sophie for sharing your pregnancy journey has been an absolute pleasure and great to have gotten you the results for better spinal wellbeing.
The pillow mentioned is @belloost_ and has been an absolute saviour for many of my pregnant clients.
Dale has been having regular treatments for 4-5 years for preventative and wellness care.
He has an extremely active job as a carpenter and is also a keen footballer, cyclist and runner.
During lockdown he couldn't get an appointment which really cemented the effect chiropractic has in his life. When he finally did have an adjustment his back was no longer in pain and he could continue with working and training.
Thank you Lara for sharing your story.
A bit of a longer story but just couldn’t help but delve into this great story.
This all started with “The Gift” a birthday present from Lara’s daughter to help her 15 year old back problem which then led to aiding her trigeminal neuralgia.
If you don’t know what it is listen up and if you know anyone who is suffering perhaps chiropractic can help
Another success story, after 2-3 years of pain, a constant need to “self crack”.
Marianna had an initial series of care and now visits every 2-3 months to stay keeping well.
Thank you Marianna for sharing your journey