Nerve Floss (Sciatica)

Imagine a continuous string starting at the back of your head, running through your whole body, and ending at the tips of your toes. This represents your spinal cord and the long nerves that come out of it. “Flossing” this string helps to stretch and mobilise the irritated nerves which are causing your pain.

Here are some general guidelines before you start:

– Take your time and avoid sudden, jerky movements.

– Take slow, deep breaths as you go.

– Try to keep your muscles relaxed (as much as you can).

You are now ready to start flossing! Benefits may include:

* An increase in range of motion

* Reduced damage to nerves

* Relieve pain A lot of people use nerve flossing alongside other treatment methods to help relieve symptoms of conditions such as sciatica and piriformis syndrome.

#nervefloss #neuralglide #sciatia #legpain #athomeexercise #chiropractic #chiropractor #backpain


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